Monday, October 18, 2010

Oh, wait

The only thing I've drawn recently. Three hunters from this mc chris sketch called "Happy Hunting". I've never been one for sketches, and I probably never would've listened to it if it weren't for Bryant, but it's a really funny list of improv-ed hunter names. So hey...I did a thing.

Full speed ahead.

I absofuckinglutely need to start drawing more. And posting the things that I draw more. Read an awesome awesome comic recently that my buddy Tim picked up for me at SPX this year. It's a monster/sci-fi/pornographic/workplace comic and it's funny and cute and sexy and exciting, and yet indie-published and the author is not wildly successful and sitting on top of a pile of money (or so I guess, anyway). I find this all very disheartening, because if people that talented aren't on the covers of magazines and shit, how can I hope to even sell a damn mini at a convention? But what is maybe more disheartening is that I have nothing to do at work. My "creative" job has been utterly boring and, not to be all sensitive-pants over here, but kind of hurtful lately.

So. The reason comics > film? Not (necessarily) a collaborative effort. And I think I kind of need that.

And now I'm going to go eat Ramen for lunch because I'm effing broke. Drawings soon. I think.

P.S. - here's a link to said awesome comic's artist's blog:

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


A comic I made about my grandmother. The scan job is pretty shitty here- sorry.
From Nana
From Nana
From Nana
From Nana
From Nana
From Nana