Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hello, friends. After a few months
of swearing off livejournal and blogs in general, I've decided to do it again. But with a few changes to help my sanity. I'm making changes in lots of other areas to help my sanity, too, but most of them don't relate to you.

Anyway, I'd been avoiding actually posting on here for... some... reason... so I thought I'd bite the bullet and just do it. The above picture, by the way, is my favorite fortune cookie fortune ever. Andy, pictured at left, at the very same meal, if memory serves me correctly, got the 2nd best fortune cookie fortune ever. If you can't read it, it says, "God will give you everything that you want." Some might say that's better than an unsubstantiated promise of living on the moon in next century, but I like the hope that mine entails - and that they think I'll be alive in next century. It's also the only fortune cookie fortune I've ever gotten that included a "maybe". Just in case I wanted to hold them accountable later or something.

Anyway, it's past midnight and I should go to bed. This is my new blog. I swear I will post drawings here and not pictures of fortune cookie fortunes.


1 comment:

--mcc said...

I still have the fortune cookie fortune I got that said...

"Often, the biggest problem could be your stupidity."

Insults are the new fortunes, I guess. :)

And congrats on the new blog!