Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A newish thing.

Drew this Friday night, colored it last night. I watched a couple Monkees episodes with Mark and Rick on Friday night- including the fabled (in my head) chain-breaking episode. We talked a little bit about how ahead of its time the show was, particularly in editing. The Monkees, while something I got into a little on my own as a kid, became a Thing with Jon and I, so it was nice to talk about them with other people. Again, this comic was drawn free-hand, so there's a lot of stuff I'm not fond of. Like...all of panel two. It also bears mentioning that honestly, most of the guys I've dated have had blue eyes. It's just kind of worked out that way...but there's been quite a few of the Davy Jones variety, too. Or variations thereupon...
Had another nice weekend with Luke. Went down to Somerville on Saturday afternoon and we went to the Museum of Science for nearly four hours. Bought tickets to a show at the planetarium there, but we missed it. It was just fun wandering around with him, though. He knows a lot about science stuff- it's cool. The next day, we took a bus into Cambridge, I think, and I did some shopping at this place called Hootenanny that I could blow my entire paycheck at if that were the kind of choice I were programmed to make (I'm not...but I did spend about $120 there), then to Newbury Comics. We tried to use this crappy photo booth that was super broken. There were a couple girls ahead of us that apparently put in their money and gave up and walked off. We got in and got our picture done, but we couldn't zoom out (hence the cropped edges) or choose our border (hence the pyramids instead of us driving a big red car like I wanted). But it was free. And just nice to have.


Keith said...

What is it with Davy Jones? :)
Seriously though, if you did that free hand and still don't like panel two, then you are WAY too hard on yourself. Really. :)
Keep 'em comin'!

meagan_taylor said...

I think my passion for Davy Jones seriously came from that episode, thus shaping my taste in men for the rest of my life. That and I was like eight, and he's the cutest to an eight year old.

Glad you liked it. I'm trying to do free hand more just because the idea of penciling and inking is usually overwhelming enough to keep from drawing at all...
