Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Drawings. Right.

The whole idea of getting something drawn every day is pretty overwhelming. I have no idea how Timmy does it, because I definitely can't. Maybe I'll do it in spurts. Right now, I sorta half have a back log of stuff, so I'll try to make it last at least a little while.

Also, I'll probably write some shit about my life on here, but feel free to ignore it.

Finally moved into the new place with Bethany entirely. Mostly, everything is great. We're having some trouble with our stackable washer/dryer unit, but that's pretty much our biggest problem, I think. I even like my tiny, tiny bedroom. It's like, "oh, all my favorite things are within five feet of me at all times." Pret
ty cool.

Work has been a mess. Had a talk with my therapist today about how and why I'm sabotaging myself and how to stop. Ugh. For those of you who don't know (, for some reason), I got a promotion at work and am now an assistant sound editor. And, you know, still doing all the footage stuff I was doing before. It's a lot of stuff, but I could totally do it if I wasn't distracting myself and being a kind of lazy worker all the time. At first, I figured I was just overwhelmed by the whole thing, and spending too much time thinking about all the stuff I wanted to do at home (cleaning up the new place and setting up and everything) and wanting to cut out early. All that's done now,
and I'm still kind of being a crap employee. So I gotta turn that around if I want a good reference from this place. Plus, I'd hate to leave Florentine knowing that I just kind of went out with a whimper. I like ProTools a lot, and sound editing (I'm mostly doing prep for dialog editing at this point, but it's a kind of detail work that I totally relish) is really, really fun. It would be great to be able to look for a picture or sound editing gig after I'm done here. Above is a screen cap from a ProTools session. I'm hunting for roomtone for Sam Waterston's voice over reading. Clearly, I want to see my waveforms in the EXTREME.

So yeah. That's life, I guess. Everything other than work and my washer/dryer is really, really good. Things are going well with the new roommate. I miss the old ones, of course, but I think the new arrangement is better for me in a lot of ways. I want to get a lot more drawing and writing and reading and movie watching done this year than I did last year. I got my old bicycle from my mother today and will hopefully start riding that soon. Am casually taking pilates and yoga classes in town. Have an amazing, amazing boyfriend. And amazing, amazing friends. Soon will be working on an awesome movie that my friend Tom wrote. The whole cast and crew is comprised of people I adore, so I'm pretty psyched about the whole endeavor. And the script is just fun on a bun. I should be a little more hesitant to be all "yippee! life rules!" because I wrote in a journal last summer that the upcoming year was going to best of my life. And it was actually pretty crappy. I've certainly had worse, but that last one wasn't really a winner. Some of it was stuff with Jon, of course. A lot of it was several months of emotional rollercoastering with a man way, way, waaaaaay too old for me. But most of it was just me. And I'm fixing a lot of that stuff, I think. I don't mean to get all touchy-feely or whatever, or even "look how awesome". Just...shit was bad and now it's good, and some of that is because I decided to make some changes. And that's nice. It's helpful to have such awesome and inspiring friends, though. I have to thank Tim (well,
really Tom because Tom introduced me to Tim, and knows all these people, too) for A) being awesome himself, and B) introducing me to a lot of new awesome friends. I realized last year that every single one of Tim's friends that I met was awesome. And that the people in your life should, for the most part, be people that make you happy. I feel like knowing a bunch of people in their thirties is almost cheating- getting to see how grown-ups handle things and stuff. Pretty awesome.

Drawings. Yes. Ahem.

So after I got back from MoCCA, I was all, "I'ma draw every day!" and I totally haven't. But this was a free-hand get-it-done comic I did pretty soon after getting back.
More another time.


Keith said...

Yay! Welcome back to the blogoverse!

meagan_taylor said...

:-D Thanks! It's nice to be back.

--mcc said...

And as one of those Tom and Tim friends in his 30's, it is awesome to know you as well. Nice comic, too!

meagan_taylor said...

Thanks! :-D Glad you like it, and glad you think it's awesome to know me, as well.